Managing Director

Lewis Williams joined Entegra in 2014 bringing a breadth of knowledge in business development, product management and technology. He is passionate about using technology to solve commercial problems.
Lewis studied Physics at Bristol University before joining a start up medical imaging company in 1986 called Surrey Medical Imaging Systems (SMIS). SMIS was a spinout from the University of Surrey Physics department and grew rapidly. He ran research programmes and developed equipment obtaining a PhD in 1992 in application of MRI to fluid flow in porous media. He became the key project and product lead for the magnetic resonance imaging systems.
Having a practical and technical background he was ideally suited to managing large commercial projects. Projects ranged from small bore high field systems to a 4Tesla patient imaging machine for the Institute of Child Health in London.
Having gained experience in technology Lewis moved into product management in 1999 with a move to Ericsson to manage the ACeS R190 dual band GSM and Satellite phone. This ground breaking product with Lockheed Martin (Space and Telecommunications) was launched in South East Asia in early 2002. He took commercial responsibility for the programme, as Ericsson divested it and became part of SonyEricsson.
In 2002 Lewis headed up the Machine2machine (M2M) Product management team and developed are range of ‘smart’ modules the precursor to the Internet of Things.
The next step was to move into consumer products joining Sharp Europe in 2003. Leading to a successful range of mobile handsets for Vodafone across Europe. Lewis held a number of senior roles in the mobile industry in commercial product management and marketing before meeting John in 2014.
Lewis lives in Guildford with his family and enjoys racing, cycling and skiing.
John Owen
Technical Director

John Owen has Electronics in his blood, the son of a television repair man he grew up around valves, coils, capacitors and other interesting components. He joined the Royal Air Force at 17 to be trained as an Electronics Technician on Flight Simulators and spent 8 years repairing systems down to component level including analogue computers for Radar simulation. Civvy street soon promised a better career and he left to work for Link Miles Simulation Ltd, testing new commercial simulators for Boeing 737, 767 and 747 cockpits.
John soon became interested in design and so studied for a BEng (Hons) Electronics Degree at the University of Brighton, finishing with a 1st class. The theory came easily after spending 10 years fixing things! Digital Signal Processing looked very interesting after years of calibrating analogue computers, so after a year at Marconi he moved to the DSP Research group at Racal Radar. It was there that he came across EnTegra Ltd and their SystemView DSP simulation tool. In 1996 he was quickly recruited to be the Applications Engineer for SystemView sales and began a new career in Technical Sales and Support as well as developing custom simulation software for customers.
Entegra went back to its hardware roots and signed distribution contracts for Innovative Integration Inc and several other data acquisition and signal processing product lines. Since 1999 he has delivered numerous custom projects and supported customers in their applications, covering Formula 1 R&D, Jet Engine test systems, Sonar, Airbourne Identifaction Systems, Laser control, GPS Testing, Seismic tests and more. These projects have included embedded DSP development on Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, VHDL for FPGA development using Xilinx ISE, and PC host code development using Builder C++ and Microsoft C++. Today John is available to support your project requirement for a Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Solution.
John lives in Abingdon with his family, is an active member of a large church.