
FMC-1000 with 1000MSPS AD9680 ADCs and 1000MSPS DAC38J82 DACs

FMC-1000 Data Acquisition board with 1000MSPS AD9680 ADCs and 1000MSPS DAC38J82 DACs on FMC Download Datasheet Block Diagram Software Development Manufacturers Site Manufacturers Full Catalogue Framework Logic The FMC-1000 is a high speed digitizing and signal generation FMC I/O module featuring two, 1000 MSPS AD9680 A/D channels and two 1000 MSPS DAC38J82 D/A channels supported by sample…

FMC Module with dual 500MSPS AD9684 Adcs and dual 500MSPS Dacs

FMC-500 Data Acquisition module Analog AD9684 ADCs and 500MSPS DACs

FMC-500 Data Acquisition module using Analog Devices 500MSPS AD9684 ADCs and 500MSPS AD9122 DACs on FMC Download Datasheet Block Diagram Software Development Manufacturers Site Manufacturers Full Catalogue Framework Logic The FMC-500 is a high speed digitizing and signal generation FMC IO module featuring two 500 MSPS AD9684 A/D channels and two 500 MSPS AD9122 D/A channels supported by…

FMC-250. FMC Module with 2x 250 MSPS 16-bit A/D, 2x 500 MSPS 16-bit or 1x 1GSPS DAC with PLL and Timing Controls.

FMC-250 Data Acquisition board with ISLA216P25 250MSPS ADCs and 1200MSPS DACs on FMC

FMC-250 Data Acquisition board with ISLA216P25 250MSPS ADCs and 1200MSPS AD9122 DACs on FMC Download Datasheet Block Diagram Software Development Manufacturers Site Manufacturers Full Catalogue Framework Logic The FMC-250 is a high speed digitizing and signal generation FMC IO module featuring two 250SPS A/D (ISLA216P25) channels and two 1200 MSPS D/A (AD9122) channels supported by sample…


FMC Module Range

FMC Modules FMC modules are based around the VITA 57 specification and typically contain ADC’s, DAC’s, SFP ports as well as the necessary clock generators and functionality. They are designed to connect to a host with a FMC site. The signal pins of the FMC site are connected direct to a FPGA for a flexible…
