Versatile MPSoC Platform with Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale, FMC+, DDR4 on PCIe or Standalone
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Cost effective Zynq Ultrascale MPSoC platform with HPC FMC+ site, DDR4 memory and PCIe
Since 15+ years , TECHWAY offers cost-effective solutions to simplify FPGA technology integration onto the Industrial market.
The new PFP-ZU+ cards are a range of Zynq PCIe boards with FMC+ slot based on Xilinx’s latest SoC (System on Chip): Zynq UltraScale+. The versatility of the PFP-ZU+ stems from useful features, including an all-FMC+ slot, DDR4 memories, management system, and more. Thanks to the Arm processor, you have access to multiple interfaces that allow you to easily design autonomous equipment.
Based on a common real-time processor and a platform equipped with programmable logic, our Zynq PCIe board with FMC+ features a ZU7CG or ZU11EG SoC to optimize the price/performance ratio.
Xilinx’s Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC components offer 64-bit processor flexibility, while combining real-time control with software and hardware engines for graphics, video, waveform, and packet processing.
The PFP-ZU+ can be easily used in a standard PC (drivers available for Windows and Linux) or in your own system as a standalone device.